When I go to look back at the module folder it's not there either! So, I go to where I downloaded it and attempt to download it again, thinking that somehow I messed up. I downloaded the latest version of PW and sent it directly to my module folder, but whenever I open up the module directory thingy, I can't find it there. I read around the various topics, looked for information, but I can't find anything. After looking around the forums and such, I decided to download Persistent World to play. I've played Warband for a while, and it's fun, but it's only so much fun in Vanilla. I'm not a tech wizard of any sort, so downloading isn't something that comes easy to me. It seems like the painfully obvious choice to post my particular case, but if I have somehow misinterpreted my problem, I apologize again. I apologize if this is the wrong thead or something.